Two-minute takeaway: What does 'resilience' mean?

“Being strong in a world where things go wrong”

Cindy Aston-Coonfield in burned ponderosa pine stand on family property burned in Reach Fire.  Antoine Creek north of Chelan in Okanogan County. Photo by John Marshall.

What do we mean when we say “resilience?"

Resilience is used in many contexts now. We’re seeking to raise resilient children, live in resilient communities and to become resilient in the face of climate change.

The Two-Minute Takeaway

A quick explanation of scientific terms and concepts we use regularly in conservation

Dive deeper into the world of conservation science

The phrase “being strong when things go wrong” sums it up — we want people, communities and ecological systems that bend instead of break; that recover from stress, injury and disaster; that can find new paths toward success when one path is blocked.

Here in Washington we’re working to build resiliency in natural systems and communities so people and nature can thrive.

Check out these Washington stories of resilience:

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